
On April 24th we hosted our first ever tinycon in Pittsburgh! We had a "tiny" day of two half-day conferences. Our morning, mid-day and afternoon sessions were structured for leadership, management and cloud practitioners.

It was a great day filled with learning, idea sharing and networking with local professionals. And to top it all off we ended the day at the Pirates baseball game.

Thank you to everyone in Pittsburgh who joined us and continues to support us! Check out the full video down below. 

Looking to do this in your city? Check our our talk summaries below and reach out! We'd love to chat: info@sketchdev.io 


Talk Summaries:

Session A: James Nippert - Grow High-Performing Teams through Continuous Improvement

Few teams ever start out great. They have skill imbalances, power dynamics, lack resources or time, and different personalities. Growing outstanding teams takes time but, more importantly, regular continuous improvement activities. One of the most useful and powerful of these activities is the Retrospective. It doesn't matter what industry you're in or what your team makeup looks like; if you've got a group of humans working together towards a shared outcome - you should be running retrospectives with them. Taking teams from Bad to Good, or Good to Great, can happen but it will not happen accidentally. In this session you will learn the tools and skills necessary to craft the right retro for you team and avoid any of the pitfalls that damage the team's improvement.

Session B: Ryan Jensen - Thunderstormy, or Calm & Fluffy... What Kind of Cloud is Yours?

Leveraging a big cloud provider can provide you with extensive benefits: lower operational costs, higher productivity, and agility and experimentation. But, if you don’t keep tabs on it or keep up with best practices, your cloud can quickly become tumultuous with explosive costs, unstable platform security, and turbulent governance and compliance hurdles that diminish developers’ ability to achieve fast results (think “anti-agile”). By implementing Reserved Instances and Savings Plans, finding creative solutions with the RI Management Service or AWS Marketplace for EDP buy-down, using managed services wherever possible, and instituting an occasional checkup with a Well-Architected Review, you will find the success and results touted by the big cloud providers. And, as you seek faster feedback loops and compliance without the headache, productizing your systems using CDK will help you scale to cloud-like proportions.

Lunch Facilitated Discussion: John Krewson - Navigating Outcome-Driven Development: A Journey into Measurable Success

In today's fast-paced world of software development, measuring success goes beyond mere outputs. It's about achieving meaningful outcomes that drive value for your users and your business. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of outcome-driven development and explore how Sketch is leading the way in this paradigm shift.