Cybersecurity Company Creates New Platform

Through Cloud Co-Engineering, Sketch Guides Healthcare Client Utilizing Sketch- Generated Strategy

The Setup

Sketch Development Services facilitated product improvements for an IT Security Firm that outgrew their low-code solution. By starting from scratch, the Sketch developers built a MVP quickly with the features and capabilities actually needed and wanted. Sketch also selected a framework that enabled the firm to improve and maintain the app down the line.

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The Challenge

Our client didn’t have full-time software developers on staff, but rather technically-minded individuals very capable of leveraging a no-code/low-code solution to build their application which needed a cost-effective solution to building and fully realizing their application needs that surpass the inherent limitations of a no code/low-code solution. 

Fortune 100 Company Leverages Sketch

Page load times were becoming an issue for their clients, with things such as logins taking five to ten seconds to process. Our client needed a modern application that followed best practice coding principles and that ran on a platform they could better control and felt comfortable being responsible for.


The Solution

Without dedicated software developers or network operations / system admin staff on hand, the solution had to be cheap, scalable, performant, and relatively hands-off. AWS Lambda is the perfect choice to meet these needs. As a serverless solution, Lambda offers cost-effective pricing where you only pay per execution request, an operations-free model where no server patching, updates, nor maintenance are required, and theoretical infinite-scaling is achievable to accommodate a growing user base.

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We also leveraged AWS Cognito and RDS, both being managed services that offer redundancy, fail-over, and security further enhancing the application’s production capabilities. All of this was implemented using Infrastructure-as-Code concepts and tools to expand the platform to multiple environments at the push of a button. Lastly, by taking advantage of AWS’ CodeBuild and CodePipeline CI/CD solutions, we were able to achieve faster deployment cycles while developing the software, getting optimal client feedback along the way and building them the exact solution they needed.


The Results

Following Agile software development practices, we created the ideal minimum-viable solution that met their and their clients’ needs. That coupled with leveraging Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices and got the initial product deployed to production two months ahead of schedule. Also, by leveraging the Lambda serverless solution, we exceeded expectations on the hosting cost for this new product when compared to a more standard server-based hosting alternative.

Feedback from the Client

"Our entire process in working with Sketch was positive. They grasped our requirements quickly, setting up the production and development environments was uneventful, which is exactly how you want it to be. We didn’t have any issues with the transition of users from our legacy system to the new system, and everything was well explained throughout the entire process”

VP | Product Development

Technologies Leveraged

Vue / TypeScript for the UI, AWS Lambdas, Node and Typescript for the API, AWS pipeline automation

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