What if developers could choose their manager? Not in that mystical sense like a child picking her parents. More like how a rock band chooses a manager. Or the way that an individual chooses a career coach. What if organizations had a pool of managers, or coaches, and developers or development teams could determine which one would do the best job of elevating their strengths and mitigating their weaknesses? As a manager, would that change the way you approach your role? I think it would. Think about what an arrangement like that could do:
Create a loosely coupled relationship between the manager and developer activities.
Create a tightly coupled relationship between the manager and developer success.
Incent the manager to credit the developer with successes.
Foster a servant-leader mindset in the manager.
Turn managers in coaches.
Foster creativity among development teams.
I think this would be an interesting experiment. Who’s in? @johnkrewson
The Weekly Inspection
John Krewson
John started Sketch in service to the mission of improving the ways people and teams work together. His past experiences as an agilist and professional actor are the primary sources of inspiration in leading this mission.
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